project Publications

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Peter Munk Christiansen & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2020) "Mapping interest group access to politics: a presentation of the INTERARENA research project published in Interest Groups & Advocacy.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Halpin, Darren; Pedersen, Helene Helboe (2020). From policy interest to media appearance: Interest group activity and media bias, The International Journal of Press/Politics, under publication.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2019). Interest group representation and framing in the media: A policy area perspective, Journal of Public Affairs, 20, 1.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2019). Interest group framing in Denmark and the UK: Membership representation or public appeal?, Journal of European Public Policy.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2018).”The Lobbying Success of citizen and economic groups in Denmark and the UK”. Acta Politica.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Laura Chaqués-Bonafont & Darren Halpin (2017). ”Diversity in the news? A study of interest groups in the media in the UK, Spain and Denmark”. British Journal of Political Science, 47,2: 313-328.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2017). ”What is access? A discussion of the definition and measurement of interest group access”. European Political Science, 16, 3: 306-321.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær, Helene Marie Fisker & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2016). ”The rise of citizen groups? The mobilization and representation of Danish interest groups 1975-2010”. Scandinavian Political Studies, 39, 14: 291-311.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2015). Balancing Gains and Hazards: Interest Groups in Electoral Politics”. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 2015, 4, 120-140. 

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær & Anne Rasmussen (2015). "Comparing the Domestic and the EU Lobbying Context: Perceived Agenda-Setting Influence in the Multi-level System of the European Union", Journal of European Public Policy, online.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær & Peter Munk Christiansen (2015). "From classic to modern corporatism. Interest group representation in Danish public committees in 1975 and 2010", Journal of European Public Policy, online.

Fisker, Helene (2015). "Gamle venner og nye bekendtskaber. Udvikling i den danske interessegruppepopulation", Politica, 47, 1.

Pedersen, Helene H., Darren Halpin & Anne Rasmussen (2015) “Who gives evidence to parliamentary committees? A comparative investigation of parliamentary committees and the constituencies”. Journal of Legislative Studies, 21, 4.

Fisker, Helene (2014). "Dead or Alive? Explaining the Long-Term Survival Chances of Interest Groups", West European Politics, online.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Peter Munk Christiansen & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2014). ”A privileged position? The influence of business interests in government consultations”. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, online.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Peter Munk Christiansen & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2014). ”Interest group access to the bureaucracy, parliament and the media” Governance, 28,1.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Peter Munk Christiansen & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2014). ”Lobbying Across Arenas: Interest Group Involvement in the Legislative Process in Denmark”. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 39, 2.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2014). “Legislatures, Lobbying and Interest Groups”, The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær & Peter Munk Christiansen (2014). Making it to the news. Interest groups in the Danish media Chapter for Franzicka Oehmer (ed.). Politische Interesenvermittlung und Medien. Forthcoming.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Peter Munk Christiansen & Helene Helboe Pedersen (2014). Organisationer i politik. Danske interesseorganisationer i forvaltning, Folketing og medier. København: Hans Reitzel.

Binderkrantz, Anne & Peter Munk Christiansen (2013). ”Interesseorganisationerne” i Jørgen Grønnegård Christensen og Jørgen Elklit (red.) Det demokratiske system. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Binderkrantz, Anne (2013). "En delikat balance. Interesseorganisationer i valgkampen 2011", Karina Kosiara-Pedersen et al. (eds). Statskundskab i praksis. Klassiske teorier og moderne problemer. København: Karnov Group.

Fisker, Helene Marie (2013). “Density dependence in corporative systems: Development of the population of Danish patient groups (1901-2011)”, Interest groups & Advocacy, 2, 2: 119-138.

Pedersen, Helene Helboe (2013). “Is measuring interest group influence a mission impossible? The case of interest group influence in the Danish parliament”, Interest groups & Advocacy, 2, 1: 27-47.

Christiansen, Peter Munk (2012). "Parliamentary Lobbyism: More Volume, More Legitimate but less efficient?" in Jens Blom-Hansen, Christoffer Green-Pedersen & Svend-Erik Skaaning (eds.) Democracy, Elections, and Political Parties. Aarhus: Politica.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2012). "Interest Groups in the Media. Bias and Diversity over Time", European Journal of Political Research, 51,1.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Krøyer, Simon (2012). "Customizing strategy: Policy goals and interest group strategies" Interest Groups & Advocacy, 1, 1.

Christiansen, Peter Munk (2012). "The Usual Suspects: Interest Group Dynamics and Representation in Denmark", Darren Halpin & Grant Jordan (eds.). The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics. Data and Research Methods. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Halpin, Darren, Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær (2011). "Explaining Breadth of Policy Engagement: Patterns of Interest Group Mobilization in Public Policy", Journal of European Public Policy, 89, 2.

Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær og Peter Munk Christiansen (2010). "Tordenskjolds soldater. Interesseorganisationer i medierne", Politica, 1, 2010.